• Question: why would you only run sessions in primary schools? it seems like stem cell biology is too hard for primary school children to learn in my opinion

    Asked by imogenj to Jayne on 22 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Jayne Charnock

      Jayne Charnock answered on 22 Mar 2011:

      Hi imogen,

      I also run sessions with secondary school pupils and colleges too but as you say, teaching primary school kids about stem cell biology is particularly tough! But, the sessions i have run have been great fun- they require alot of planning and resources which are interactive, which is why i could do with the money! Primary school children need teaching right from the very beginning about what cells are and what disease is. I’ve been really suprised by just how bright they are and how quickly they cotton onto an idea though- they are a lot more capable that i imagined! Last week I went to speak to 3 classes- Reception, Year 1 and Year 2- and in every class there was a child who answered correctly when i asked what sort of cell the picture of a neuron was!! I was very impressed.

      Working with the youngest pupils is so inspiring, hearing them say they all want to be scientists after the session is great! Not many of them might stick to that, but if even one child’s imagination is fired up and they set their mind on science than i think its worthwhile 🙂 I know i would have loved someone to come and play games and explain about biology with me when i was 5!
