• Question: why do u do a lot of work

    Asked by haydenmarchant to Emma, James, Jayne, Kara, Sharon on 17 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: James Chan

      James Chan answered on 15 Mar 2011:

      for me, it’s only work if you don’t enjoy it. If somebody said to you that you can play football all the time, or go on the playstation all the time, or go shopping all the time, you’d probably think you’re in heaven! well, if you enjoy what you do, you’d naturally want to be good at it and make some progress and get some results. The main thing is to be inspired – something that gets you out of bed in the mornings. Personally, I love what I do because I feel like what I may be able to help the thousands of people who have broken bones and may never be able to walk and do other things again. So that gets me going and also, it’s fun for me too. I enjoy working with the people in my lab and I love being part of a team. So I kind of see it not as a lot of work, but a lot of fun!

    • Photo: Sharon Sneddon

      Sharon Sneddon answered on 15 Mar 2011:


      Well, I have to do lots of work or else my boss tells me off!! No, seriously, do a lot of work in order to get all our experiments done. I do work hard, but I really enjoy my job, so I don’t really notice the hardness. Sometimes I get annoyed at the long hours though!

    • Photo: Emma King

      Emma King answered on 16 Mar 2011:

      Hi Haydenmarchant – I guess I do a lot of work because I have a lot of work to do to get my PhD finished. I’m also very busy because I like to do other things like public outreach events – like this one!- but I still have to do all my normal work as well.
      Don’t worry though we do get time off!

    • Photo: Jayne Charnock

      Jayne Charnock answered on 16 Mar 2011:

      Hi Hayden

      Do you mean do we have to work hard? yes- but not always in the way you would think. Travelling the world to go to conferences is great fun, but they are very tiring! Some days in the lab can be very busy and you dont get chance to sit down, on others there are plenty of opportunities for coffee breaks with friends 🙂

    • Photo: Kara Cerveny

      Kara Cerveny answered on 17 Mar 2011:

      Great question. I’ve always enjoyed the satisfaction of a job well done and working hard to achieve my goals. I love learning and thinking and figuring things out and talking about science and helping people communicate their latest scientific research.
