• Question: what is the best question that u have been asked throughout '"I'm a scientist, get me out of here"?

    Asked by jonahcowen to Emma, James, Jayne, Kara, Sharon on 22 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Sharon Sneddon

      Sharon Sneddon answered on 22 Mar 2011:

      I think that the best question I have been asked is the one that has made me think the most and so far it’s been this one


      there is still time for you to submit an even better one!!

    • Photo: Kara Cerveny

      Kara Cerveny answered on 22 Mar 2011:

      There have been lots of great questions — I think I’ve most enjoyed the questions about the intersection between science and religion as well as the questions about my own research on retinal stem cells (because they were the easiest for me to answer).

    • Photo: Jayne Charnock

      Jayne Charnock answered on 22 Mar 2011:

      what is the funniest moment that you have had as a scientist

      that was a great question- ive had so many funny moments in the lab, mostly all at my expense though!

    • Photo: James Chan

      James Chan answered on 22 Mar 2011:

      Hi Jonah,
      the best question has to be: if a stem cell got into a fight with a blood cell, who d’you reckon would win?
      That’s a tough one because a stem cell can be a little like the Mystique character in X-men – it can turn into any of the other cell types. But then a white blood cell can be pretty nasty! It can secrete free radicles and enzymes that can destroy other cells, like explosives, but not only that, they will gobble up the baddies and get loads more white cells to come along to do the same. But ultimately, I have to give it to stem cells because stem cells can also replicate themselves so they can theoretically become a whole army of white blood cells!…
