• Question: Is there a certain type of way to extract stem cells correctly?

    Asked by thegoodthebadandme to Emma, James, Jayne, Kara, Sharon on 17 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Emma King

      Emma King answered on 17 Mar 2011:

      Hi thegoodthebadandme – yes there are certainly techniques that are better than others when obtaining the cells needed. Hopefully one of the other lab researchers can give you some more details!

    • Photo: Sharon Sneddon

      Sharon Sneddon answered on 17 Mar 2011:

      Hi thegoodthebadandme,
      There are lots of different ways to extract stem cells, I’m going to tell you about embryonic stem cells as this is what I do, but adult stem cells are extracted differently, and this depends on what kind of adult stem cells they are.
      Back to embryonic stem cells, there are 2 main ways that I use to extract them. The first is just by cutting out the inner cells of the embryo using a microscope and very tiny sharp needles. it’s a kind of cutting and flicking movement and you gently tease the cells apart. Its very tricky as the embryo jumps about a lot and the cells are VERY sticky and stick to the needles!
      The second method I use uses antibodies to dissolve the outer cells, leaving the inner cells intact, this is called immunosurgery. I think this is harder as it is easy to leave the cells in the antibodies too long, you can damage the inner cells so you need to be really careful! I sometimes use a combination of both methods.
      Other scientists use other methods involving lasers and fancy cutting tools! I’ve never seen these in action tho!
