• Question: in your paragraph on molecular Cartography for stem cells it seems as though most of the language you use is scientific which most students will lack to understand, i feel that you are very certain in your knowledge yet i think you lack enthusiasm and excitement which students need for them to stay focused

    Asked by imogenj to Kara on 21 Mar 2011 in Categories: .
    • Photo: Kara Cerveny

      Kara Cerveny answered on 21 Mar 2011:

      hi imogenj. thanks for your comment. The paragraph I included on my profile was simply to give the students an idea of the type of writing I do (which is rather technical as it is meant for scientists), and not meant to explain stem cells to the students. I’m actually participating in this outreach event from the United States and so I’m not able to participate as much as I would like (due to the difference in times and my work schedule), but I’m certainly enthusiastic about science in general and stem cell research, in particular. Perhaps you might find some of the other things that I’ve written in the past (such as my blog posts) to be more informative. Here are some other links that I hope you find helpful.

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